quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2014
terça-feira, 22 de julho de 2014
quarta-feira, 16 de julho de 2014
quarta-feira, 2 de julho de 2014
terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2014
36 photos around the world
sábado, 12 de abril de 2014
Cheer Wetsuits
É com enorme prazer e orgulho que partilho com toda a gente esta notícia. Juntando aos meus actuais patrocínios Sniper Bodyboards, Churchill e Justlikebb, assinei contrato recentemente com a marca Australiana Cheer Wetsuits!
É um sonho ter a oportunidade de criar uma nova relação com uma marca proveniente de um país que é o centro deste desporto e criada por gente apaixonada pelo oceano. Sinto-me grato por ver o meu esforço e dedicação a ser reconhecido internacionalmente e é sinal que ainda há marcas interessadas em apoiar bodyboarders.
A relação que desenvolvi com a Austrália é uma relação muito especial e este contrato acaba por ser uma nova forma de me manter relacionado com este país. As pessoas, o deserto, a natureza selvagem, as ondas e a partilha fazem todas elas parte das pessoas que estão por detrás desta identidade e com a qual me identifico.
É uma grande vantagem porque para além de nos ajudar-mos mutuamente a desenvolver as imagens de cada um, vou estar suficientemente quente e confortável para dar o meu melhor dentro de água.
Podem contar também com a presença da Cheer Wetsuits no novo projecto Gypsy The Series como principal patrocinador!
Na equipa já constam nomes como um grande amigo meu Dylan Beach e o surfista Max Longhurst.
Para mais informações sigam:
Hey boys,
It is with great pleasure and pride that I share this news with everyone . Joining to my sponsors Sniper Bodyboards, Churchill and Justlikebb I recently signed with the Australian brand Cheer Wetsuits!
It's a dream came true to have the opportunity to create a new relationship with a brand from a country that is the center of the sport and created by passionate people who loves the ocean. I am grateful to see my effort and dedication to be recognized internationally and is a sign to everyone that there are still brands in bodyboarding who are interested in supporting athletes.
The relationship I developed with Australia is a very special one and this contract turns out to be a new way to keep connected with this country. The people , the desert , the wilderness , the waves and the sharing between humans and nature makes part of all of the people behind this identity and wich I identify myself with.
It is a great advantage for both because together we can help each other to develop our images, and I will also be sufficiently warm and comfortable to give my best in the water.
You can also count on the presence of Cheer Wetsuits as a main sponsor on the new project The Gypsy Series!
On the team theres already a very good friend of mine Dylan Beach and the surfer Max Longhurst.
For more information follow :

É um sonho ter a oportunidade de criar uma nova relação com uma marca proveniente de um país que é o centro deste desporto e criada por gente apaixonada pelo oceano. Sinto-me grato por ver o meu esforço e dedicação a ser reconhecido internacionalmente e é sinal que ainda há marcas interessadas em apoiar bodyboarders.
A relação que desenvolvi com a Austrália é uma relação muito especial e este contrato acaba por ser uma nova forma de me manter relacionado com este país. As pessoas, o deserto, a natureza selvagem, as ondas e a partilha fazem todas elas parte das pessoas que estão por detrás desta identidade e com a qual me identifico.
É uma grande vantagem porque para além de nos ajudar-mos mutuamente a desenvolver as imagens de cada um, vou estar suficientemente quente e confortável para dar o meu melhor dentro de água.
Podem contar também com a presença da Cheer Wetsuits no novo projecto Gypsy The Series como principal patrocinador!
Na equipa já constam nomes como um grande amigo meu Dylan Beach e o surfista Max Longhurst.
Para mais informações sigam:
Hey boys,
It is with great pleasure and pride that I share this news with everyone . Joining to my sponsors Sniper Bodyboards, Churchill and Justlikebb I recently signed with the Australian brand Cheer Wetsuits!
It's a dream came true to have the opportunity to create a new relationship with a brand from a country that is the center of the sport and created by passionate people who loves the ocean. I am grateful to see my effort and dedication to be recognized internationally and is a sign to everyone that there are still brands in bodyboarding who are interested in supporting athletes.
The relationship I developed with Australia is a very special one and this contract turns out to be a new way to keep connected with this country. The people , the desert , the wilderness , the waves and the sharing between humans and nature makes part of all of the people behind this identity and wich I identify myself with.
It is a great advantage for both because together we can help each other to develop our images, and I will also be sufficiently warm and comfortable to give my best in the water.
You can also count on the presence of Cheer Wetsuits as a main sponsor on the new project The Gypsy Series!
On the team theres already a very good friend of mine Dylan Beach and the surfer Max Longhurst.
For more information follow :

quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2014
Canaries 2014
In the beginning of February and after finishing my semester at uni I decided to fly to the Canaries to go after this perfect swell for El Frontón. Well, it happens that this 4/5ft swell turned into a 10ft close out Frontón and the first days we ended up surfing in Agujero or what some people use to call "La Tuberia". Had some pretty decent tubes but unfortunately for my travel mate and photographer Ricardo Amaral, the wave breaks to far away for he's lenses and we couldn't managed to make any decent shot. It was still pretty amazing because It had been a while since I had a good barrel session and to train some pocket surfing.
After 3 days our local mate Miguel Romero arrived home from Erasmus and we moved to his place which was great because after this being my 4th time in Gran Canaria I finally had the sensation that I was having the chance to really know the place and the true Canarian culture! It definitely exceeded my expectation and ended up meeting some of the most beautiful places I've ever been!
By the end of the first week without surfing Frontón we finally saw another 2 possible surfeable days! The hype was strong and we ended up scoring both days. First day it was pretty windy and sketchy but I guess Ritchy took me one of my favourite shots so far that made the trip worth it haha(guess you would have to wait a while to see it). This day saw my mate Zé getting absolutely demolished by a thick set wave landing straight on his back! It was one of the gnarliest things I've ever seen and he ended up dislocating his foot. I guess it could've been a lot worse...
Day after and we had the opportunity to score Frontón again. This day was really good with no wind and good size but it was packed! Was pretty hard to get waves but ended up being a good free surf challenge and got me amped to start being a bit more competitive in the water. I guess it will be my main goal for this year because free surfing is getting really competitive these days and sometimes when the waves are pumping and it's crowded you have to learn to deal with it and place yourself wisely.
Well, even without scoring as many days of surf as we wanted it was definitely a remarkable experience with all the wonderful people that we met and good times we had, plus the amazing weather unlike Portugal's freezing winter!
Thanks to everyone specially Zé Pastel, Miguel Romero and he's family to let us crash at their pads and for the amazing hospitality!
With Love,

After 3 days our local mate Miguel Romero arrived home from Erasmus and we moved to his place which was great because after this being my 4th time in Gran Canaria I finally had the sensation that I was having the chance to really know the place and the true Canarian culture! It definitely exceeded my expectation and ended up meeting some of the most beautiful places I've ever been!
By the end of the first week without surfing Frontón we finally saw another 2 possible surfeable days! The hype was strong and we ended up scoring both days. First day it was pretty windy and sketchy but I guess Ritchy took me one of my favourite shots so far that made the trip worth it haha(guess you would have to wait a while to see it). This day saw my mate Zé getting absolutely demolished by a thick set wave landing straight on his back! It was one of the gnarliest things I've ever seen and he ended up dislocating his foot. I guess it could've been a lot worse...
Day after and we had the opportunity to score Frontón again. This day was really good with no wind and good size but it was packed! Was pretty hard to get waves but ended up being a good free surf challenge and got me amped to start being a bit more competitive in the water. I guess it will be my main goal for this year because free surfing is getting really competitive these days and sometimes when the waves are pumping and it's crowded you have to learn to deal with it and place yourself wisely.
Well, even without scoring as many days of surf as we wanted it was definitely a remarkable experience with all the wonderful people that we met and good times we had, plus the amazing weather unlike Portugal's freezing winter!
Thanks to everyone specially Zé Pastel, Miguel Romero and he's family to let us crash at their pads and for the amazing hospitality!
With Love,
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